Dynamics on the Riemann Sphere
A Bodil Branner Festschrift
Poul G. Hjorth
University of Southern Denmark, Odense, DenmarkCarsten Lunde Petersen
University of Roskilde, Denmark

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p. 1 Contentspp. 3–8 IntroductionPoul G. HjorthCarsten Lunde Petersen
pp. 9–43 On Lattès MapsJohn Milnor
DOI 10.4171/011-1/1pp. 45–70 Branner–Hubbard motions and attracting dynamicsTan LeiCarsten Lunde Petersen
DOI 10.4171/011-1/2pp. 71–87 Examples of Feigenbaum Julia sets with small Hausdorff dimensionArtur AvilaMikhail Lyubich
DOI 10.4171/011-1/3pp. 89–96 Parabolic explosion and the size of Siegel disks in the quadratic familyArnaud Cheritat
DOI 10.4171/011-1/4pp. 97–119 Sierpinski Carpets and Gaskets as Julia sets of Rational MapsPaul BlanchardRobert L. DevaneyDaniel M. LookMonica Moreno RochaPradipta SealStefan SiegmundDavid Uminsky
DOI 10.4171/011-1/5pp. 121–129 On capture zones for the familyP. Roesch
DOI 10.4171/011-1/6pp. 131–138 Semiconjugacies between the Julia sets of geometrically finite rational maps IITomoki Kawahira
DOI 10.4171/011-1/7pp. 139–159 Homeomorphisms of the Mandelbrot SetWolf Jung
DOI 10.4171/011-1/8pp. 161–182 Arnold Disks and the Moduli of Herman Rings of the Complex Standard FamilyNúria FagellaChristian Henriksen
DOI 10.4171/011-1/9pp. 183–208 Stretching rays and their accumulations, following Pia WillumsenTan Lei
DOI 10.4171/011-1/10pp. 209–222 Conjectures about the Branner–Hubbard motion of Cantor sets in CAdrien Douady
DOI 10.4171/011-1/11