The Blind Spot
Lectures on Logic
Jean-Yves Girard
Institut de Mathématiques de Luminy, Marseille, France

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FrontmatterDownload pp. i–iv | |
ContentsDownload pp. v–x | |
ForewordDownload pp. xi–xiii | |
Part I The basicsp. 1 | |
1 | Existence vs. essencepp. 3–14 |
2 | Incompletenesspp. 15–40 |
3 | Classical sequents: LKpp. 41–69 |
4 | Intuitionistic logic: LJ, NJpp. 70–93 |
Part II Around Curry–Howardp. 95 | |
5 | Functional interpretationspp. 97–114 |
6 | System Fpp. 115–139 |
7 | The category-theoretic interpretationpp. 140–159 |
Part III Linear logicp. 161 | |
8 | Coherent spacespp. 163–177 |
9 | Linear logicpp. 178–196 |
10 | Perfection vs. imperfectionpp. 197–215 |
11 | Proof-netspp. 216–247 |
Part IV Polarised interpretationsp. 249 | |
12 | A hypothesis: polarisationpp. 251–271 |
13 | Designs and behaviourspp. 272–305 |
14 | Ludics: the reconstructionpp. 306–330 |
15 | Orthodox exponentialspp. 331–353 |
Part V Iconoclasmp. 355 | |
16 | Heterodox exponentialspp. 357–368 |
17 | Quantum coherent spacespp. 369–402 |
18 | Nets and dualitypp. 403–414 |
Part VI Geometry of interactionp. 415 | |
19 | The feedback equationpp. 417–442 |
20 | Babel Tower vs. GreatWallpp. 443–461 |
21 | Finite GoIpp. 462–496 |
Envoi. The phantom of transparencypp. 497–507 | |
Bibliographypp. 509–515 | |
Indexpp. 517–537 |