European Congress of Mathematics
Portorož, 20–26 June, 2021
Ademir Hujdurović
University of Primorska, Koper, SloveniaKlavdija Kutnar
University of Primorska, Koper, SloveniaDragan Marušič
University of Primorska, Koper, SloveniaŠtefko Miklavič
University of Primorska, Koper, SloveniaTomaž Pisanski
University of Primorska, Koper, SloveniaPrimož Šparl
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

This book is published open access.
pp. i–iv Front matterpp. v–viii PrefaceTomaž PisanskiDragan MarušičKlavdija KutnarAdemir Hujdurović
pp. ix–xii Contentspp. xiii–xiv 8ECM Committeesp. xv List of sponsorspp. 1–8 Regularity of stable solutions to reaction-diffusion elliptic equationsXavier Cabré
DOI 10.4171/8ECM/13pp. 9–43 Minimal surfaces in Euclidean spaces by way of complex analysisFranc Forstnerič
DOI 10.4171/8ECM/08pp. 45–71 Bernoulli random matricesAlice Guionnet
DOI 10.4171/8ECM/34pp. 73–91 An introduction to the mathematics of deep learningGitta Kutyniok
DOI 10.4171/8ECM/30pp. 93–123 Geometric valuation theoryMonika Ludwig
DOI 10.4171/8ECM/25pp. 125–159 Metric measure spaces and synthetic Ricci bounds: Fundamental concepts and recent developmentsKarl-Theodor Sturm
DOI 10.4171/8ECM/35pp. 161–180 Torsion in algebraic groups and problems which ariseUmberto Zannier
DOI 10.4171/8ECM/05pp. 181–198 Positive harmonic functions on the Heisenberg group IYves Benoist
DOI 10.4171/8ECM/17pp. 199–251 Kähler–Einstein metrics and Archimedean zeta functionsRobert J. Berman
DOI 10.4171/8ECM/23pp. 253–275 Variational regularization in inverse problems and machine learningMartin Burger
DOI 10.4171/8ECM/01pp. 277–294 Some minimization problems for mean field models with competing forcesRupert L. Frank
DOI 10.4171/8ECM/06pp. 295–323 Laplacians on infinite graphs: Discrete vs. continuousAleksey KostenkoNoema Nicolussi
DOI 10.4171/8ECM/02pp. 325–336 Uniqueness results for solutions of continuous and discrete PDEEugenia Malinnikova
DOI 10.4171/8ECM/33pp. 337–365 Some recent developments on the geometry of random spherical eigenfunctionsDomenico Marinucci
DOI 10.4171/8ECM/15pp. 367–393 Looking at Euler flows through a contact mirror: Universality and undecidabilityRobert CardonaEva MirandaDaniel Peralta-Salas
DOI 10.4171/8ECM/31pp. 395–412 Lefschetz fibrations, open books, and symplectic fillings of contact 3-manifoldsBurak Ozbagci
DOI 10.4171/8ECM/14pp. 413–437 Finite groups of birational transformationsYuri Prokhorov
DOI 10.4171/8ECM/20pp. 439–464 Propositional proof complexityAlexander A. Razborov
DOI 10.4171/8ECM/03pp. 465–487 Covering and growth for group subsets and representationsAner Shalev
DOI 10.4171/8ECM/21pp. 489–510 HMS symmetries and hypergeometric systemsŠpela Špenko
DOI 10.4171/8ECM/22pp. 511–534 AAA-least squares rational approximation and solution of Laplace problemsStefano CostaLloyd N. Trefethen
DOI 10.4171/8ECM/16pp. 535–551 Smooth compactifications in derived non-commutative geometryAlexander I. Efimov
DOI 10.4171/8ECM/36pp. 553–568 Global properties of some weight 3 variations of Hodge structureSimion Filip
DOI 10.4171/8ECM/38pp. 569–583 On primes, almost primes, and the Möbius function in short intervalsKaisa Matomäki
DOI 10.4171/8ECM/07pp. 585–605 Bogoliubov excitation spectrum of Bose gasesPhan Thành Nam
DOI 10.4171/8ECM/04pp. 607–641 From branching singularities in minimal surfaces to non-smoothness points in ice-water interfacesJoaquim Serra
DOI 10.4171/8ECM/27pp. 643–662 Elliptic curves and modularityJack A. Thorne
DOI 10.4171/8ECM/12pp. 663–676 From art and circuit design to geometry and combinatoricsBojan Mohar
DOI 10.4171/8ECM/37pp. 677–691 European mathematics: A history in stampsRobin Wilson
DOI 10.4171/8ECM/28pp. 693–718 Detecting arrays for effects of single factorsCharles J. ColbournViolet R. Syrotiuk
DOI 10.4171/8ECM/19pp. 719–731 Digital collections of examples in mathematical sciencesJames H. Davenport
DOI 10.4171/8ECM/39pp. 733–748 Closed -structures on compact quotients of Lie groupsAnna FinoAlberto Raffero
DOI 10.4171/8ECM/18pp. 749–769 Computational/algorithmic thinking in school mathematicsDjordje M. Kadijevich
DOI 10.4171/8ECM/40pp. 771–823 Graph and hypergraph colouring via nibble methods: A surveyDong Yeap KangTom KellyDaniela KühnAbhishek MethukuDeryk Osthus
DOI 10.4171/8ECM/11pp. 825–856 From matrix pivots to graphs in surfaces: exploring combinatorics through partial dualsIain Moffatt
DOI 10.4171/8ECM/10pp. 857–883 Convex bodies all whose sections (projections) are equalLuis Montejano
DOI 10.4171/8ECM/24pp. 885–906 On a class of nonlocal problems with fractional gradient constraintAssis AzevedoJosé-Francisco RodriguesLisa Santos
DOI 10.4171/8ECM/26pp. 907–925 The topology of dissipative systemsHéctor BargeJosé M. R. Sanjurjo
DOI 10.4171/8ECM/09pp. 927–946 Onset of fracture in random heterogeneous particle chainsLaura LauerbachStefan NeukammMathias SchäffnerAnja Schlömerkemper
DOI 10.4171/8ECM/32pp. 947–967 Siu’s lemma: Generalizations and applicationsXiangyu ZhouLangfeng Zhu
DOI 10.4171/8ECM/29