European Congress of Mathematics
Stockholm, June 27 – July 2, 2004
Ari Laptev
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden

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The European Congress of Mathematics, held every four years, has established itself as a major international mathematical event. Following those in Paris, 1992, Budapest, 1996 and Barcelona, 2000, the Fourth European Congress of Mathematics took place in Stockholm, Sweden, June 27 to July 2, 2004 with 913 participants from 65 countries. Apart from seven plenary and thirty three invited lectures, there were six “Science Lectures” covering the most relevant aspects of mathematics in science and technology. Moreover, twelve projects of the EU Research Training Networks in Mathematics and Information Sciences, as well as Programmes from the European Science Foundation in Physical and Engineering Sciences were presented. Ten EMS Prizes were awarded to young European mathematicians who have made a particular contribution to the progress of mathematics. Five of the prize winners were independently chosen by the 4ECM Scientific Committee as plenary or invited speakers. The other five prize winners gave their lectures in parallel sessions. Most of these contributions are now collected in this volume, providing a permanent record of so much that is best in mathematics today.
Plenary lectures
- François Golse (Paris, France)
- Francesco Guerra (Roma, Italy)
- Johan Håstad (Stockholm, Sweden)
- Andrei Okounkov (Princeton, USA)
- Oded Schramm (Microsoft Research, USA)
- Zoltán Szabó (Princeton, USA)
- Claire Voisin (Paris, France)
Invited Lectures
- Giovanni Alberti (Pisa, Italy)
- Denis Auroux (MIT, USA and Palaiseau, France)Stefano Bianchini (Rome, Italy)
- François Bouchut (Paris, France)
- Brian Bowditch (Southampton, UK)
- Ehud Friedgut (Jerusalem, Israel)
- Patrick Gérard (Orsay, France)
- Alice Guionnet (Lyon, France)
- Stefan Helmke (Kyoto, Japan)
- Helge Holden (Trondheim, Norway)
- Rupert Klein (Berlin, Germany)
- Jan Krajícek (Prague, Czech Republic)
- Daan Krammer (Warwick, UK)
- Elon Lindenstrauss (Clay Mathematics Institute, USA)
- Tomasz Luczak (Poznan, Poland)
- Terry Lyons (Oxford, UK)
- Pascal Massart (Orsay, France)
- Preda Mihailescu (Paderborn, Germany)
- Mircea Mustata (Clay Mathematics Institute, USA)
- Kieran O'Grady (Roma , Italy)
- Grigori Olshanski (Moscow, Russia)
- Imre Ruzsa (Budapest, Hungary)
- Yehuda Shalom (Tel-Aviv, Israel)
- Maria Shcherbina (Kharkov, Ukraine)
- Stanislav Smirnov (Stockholm, Sweden)
- Mikhail Sodin (Tel-Aviv, Israel)
- Xavier Tolsa (Barcelona, Spain)
- Anna-Karin Tornberg (New York, USA and Stockholm, Sweden)
- Vilmos Totik (Tampa, USA and Szeged, Hungary)
- Michael Weiss (Aberdeen, UK)
- Wendelin Werner (Orsay, France)
- Umberto Zannier (Venice, Italy)
Network lectures
- Aline Bonami (Orléans, France)
- Yann Brenier (Nice, France)
- Jean Esterle (Bordeaux, France)
- Bernard Helffer (Orsay, France)
- Frank den Hollander (Eindhoven, Netherlands)
- Jonathan Keating (Bristol, UK)
- Christian Krattenthaler (Lyon, France)
- Marina Monsurrò (Lausanne, Switzerland)
- Jan Philip Solovej (Copenhagen, Denmark)
- Miles Reid (Warwick, UK)
- Jakob Stix (Bonn, Germany)
Prize Lectures
- Franck Barthe (Toulouse, France)
- Paul Biran (Tel-Aviv, Israel)
- Sylvia Serfaty (New York, USA)
- Warwick Tucker (Uppsala, Sweden)
- Otmar Venjakob (Heidelberg, Germany)