European Congress of Mathematics
Stockholm, June 27 – July 2, 2004
Ari Laptev
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden

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pp. ix–xvi Front Matterpp. v–viii Contentspp. 3–22 Structure of Null Sets in the Plane and ApplicationsGiovanni AlbertiMarianna CsörnyeiDavid Preiss
DOI 10.4171/009-1/1pp. 23–40 Some Open Questions about Symplectic 4-manifolds, Singular Plane Curves and Braid Group FactorizationsDenis Auroux
DOI 10.4171/009-1/2pp. 41–59 Harmonic Measure on Fractal SetsD. BeliaevStanislav Smirnov
DOI 10.4171/009-1/3pp. 61–71 Singular Approximations to Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation LawsStefano Bianchini
DOI 10.4171/009-1/4pp. 73–94 Representation Theory and Random Point ProcessesAlexei BorodinGrigori Olshanski
DOI 10.4171/009-1/5pp. 95–101 Stability of Relaxation Models for Conservation LawsFrançois Bouchut
DOI 10.4171/009-1/6pp. 103–115 Hyperbolic 3-manifolds and the Geometry of the Curve ComplexBrian H. Bowditch
DOI 10.4171/009-1/7pp. 117–120 Proof of an Intersection Theorem via Fourier AnalysisEhud Friedgut
DOI 10.4171/009-1/8pp. 121–139 Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations on Compact ManifoldsPatrick Gérard
DOI 10.4171/009-1/9pp. 141–154 A Probabilistic Approach to Some Problems in von Neumann AlgebrasAlice Guionnet
DOI 10.4171/009-1/10pp. 155–172 Singular Elements of Affine Kac–Moody GroupsStefan HelmkePeter Slodowy
DOI 10.4171/009-1/11pp. 173–200 On the Camassa–Holm and Hunter–Saxton equationsHelge Holden
DOI 10.4171/009-1/12pp. 201–220 Multiple Scales Asymptotics for Atmospheric FlowsRupert KleinEileen MikuskyAntony Owinoh
DOI 10.4171/009-1/13pp. 221–232 Proof ComplexityJan Krajícek
DOI 10.4171/009-1/14pp. 233–246 Horizontal Configurations of Points in Link ComplementsDaan Krammer
DOI 10.4171/009-1/15pp. 247–256 Invariant Measures for Multiparameter Diagonalizable Algebraic Actions - A Short SurveyElon Lindenstrauss
DOI 10.4171/009-1/16pp. 257–268 Phase Transition Phenomena in Random Discrete StructuresTomasz Łuczak
DOI 10.4171/009-1/17pp. 269–282 Systems Controlled by Rough PathsTerry J. Lyons
DOI 10.4171/009-1/18pp. 283–308 The Stable Mapping Class Group and Stable Homotopy TheoryJørgen Ellegaard AndersenMichael Weiss
DOI 10.4171/009-1/19pp. 309–324 A Non-asymptotic Theory for Model SelectionPascal Massart
DOI 10.4171/009-1/20pp. 325–340 Reflection, Bernoulli Numbers and the Proof of Catalan's ConjecturePreda Mihailescu
DOI 10.4171/009-1/21pp. 341–364 F-thresholds and Bernstein–Sato PolynomialsMircea MustaţăShunsuke TakagiKei-ichi Watanabe
DOI 10.4171/009-1/22pp. 365–380 Hyperkähler Manifolds and Algebraic GeometryKieran G. O'Grady
DOI 10.4171/009-1/23pp. 381–390 SumsetsImre Z. Ruzsa
DOI 10.4171/009-1/24pp. 391–424 Measurable Group TheoryYehuda Shalom
DOI 10.4171/009-1/25pp. 425–444 Some Mathematical Problems of Neural Networks TheoryM. Shcherbina
DOI 10.4171/009-1/26pp. 445–458 Zeroes of Gaussian Analytic FunctionsMikhail Sodin
DOI 10.4171/009-1/27pp. 459–476 Painlevé's Problem, Analytic Capacity and Curvature of MeasuresXavier Tolsa
DOI 10.4171/009-1/28pp. 477–500 Regularization Techniques for Singular Source Terms in Differential EquationsAnna-Karin Tornberg
DOI 10.4171/009-1/29pp. 501–514 Equilibrium Measures and PolynomialsVilmos Totik
DOI 10.4171/009-1/30pp. 515–528 SLE, Conformal Restriction, LoopsWendelin Werner
DOI 10.4171/009-1/31pp. 529–546 On the Integral Points on Certain Algebraic VarietiesUmberto Zannier
DOI 10.4171/009-1/32pp. 549–554 Some Problems Related with Holomorphic Functions on Tube Domains over Light ConesAline Bonami
DOI 10.4171/009-1/33pp. 555–560 Hyperbolic PDEs, Kinetic Formulation, Geometric Measure TheoryYann Brenier
DOI 10.4171/009-1/34pp. 561–572 Random Dynamics in Spatially Extended SystemsFrank den Hollander
DOI 10.4171/009-1/35pp. 573–596 Analysis and Operators 2000-2004 - Four Years of Network ActivityJean Esterle
DOI 10.4171/009-1/36pp. 597–618 Analysis of the Bottom of the Spectrum of Schrödinger Operators with Magnetic Potentials and ApplicationsBernard Helffer
DOI 10.4171/009-1/37pp. 619–624 Mathematical Aspects of Quantum ChaosJ.P. Keating
DOI 10.4171/009-1/38pp. 625–642 The Research Training Network “Algebraic Combinatorics in Europe”Christian Krattenthaler
DOI 10.4171/009-1/39pp. 643–654 Algebras with Involution and Adjoint GroupsMarina Monsurrò
DOI 10.4171/009-1/40pp. 655–668 Constructing Algebraic Varieties via Commutative AlgebraMiles Reid
DOI 10.4171/009-1/41pp. 669–680 Mathematical Problems of Large Quantum SystemsRyszard Nest
DOI 10.4171/009-1/42pp. 681–696 The Grothendieck-Teichmüller Group and Galois Theory of the Rational Numbers – European Network GTEMJakob Stix
DOI 10.4171/009-1/43pp. 699–718 Hydrodynamic LimitsFrançois Golse
DOI 10.4171/009-1/44pp. 719–732 Mathematical Aspects of Mean Field Spin Glass TheoryFrancesco Guerra
DOI 10.4171/009-1/45pp. 733–750 Complexity Theory, Proofs and ApproximationJohan Håstad
DOI 10.4171/009-1/46pp. 751–768 Random Surfaces Enumerating Algebraic CurvesElliott H. Lieb
DOI 10.4171/009-1/47pp. 769–782 On Heegaard Diagrams and Holomorphic DisksPeter S. OzsváthZoltán Szabó
DOI 10.4171/009-1/48pp. 783–786 Emergence of Symmetry: Conformal Invariance in Scaling Limits of Random SystemsMichael H. Freedman
DOI 10.4171/009-1/49pp. 787–807 Recent Progresses in Kähler and Complex Algebraic GeometryClaire Voisin
DOI 10.4171/009-1/50pp. 811–826 Isoperimetric Inequalities, Probability Measures and Convex GeometryFranck Barthe
DOI 10.4171/009-1/51pp. 827–836 Symplectic Topology and Algebraic FamiliesPaul Biran
DOI 10.4171/009-1/52pp. 837–850 Vortices in the Ginzburg-Landau Model of SuperconductivitySylvia Serfaty
DOI 10.4171/009-1/53pp. 851–860 Validated Numerics for PedestriansWarwick Tucker
DOI 10.4171/009-1/54pp. 861–879 From Classical to Non-commutative Iwasawa Theory: An Introduction to the Main ConjectureOtmar Venjakob
DOI 10.4171/009-1/55