Coulomb Gases and Ginzburg–Landau Vortices
Sylvia Serfaty
Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), France

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Frontmatter, AcknowledgementsDownload pp. i–v | |
ContentsDownload pp. vii–viii | |
1 | IntroductionDownload pp. 1–9 |
2 | The leading order behavior of the Coulomb gaspp. 11–41 |
3 | The next order behavior: splitting the Hamiltonian, first lower boundpp. 43–59 |
4 | Definition(s) and properties of renormalized energypp. 61–80 |
5 | Deriving as the large n limit: lower bound via a general abstract methodpp. 81–92 |
6 | Deriving as the large n limit: screening, upper bound, and consequencespp. 93–106 |
7 | The Ginzburg–Landau functional: presentation and heuristicspp. 107–115 |
8 | Main mathematical tools for Ginzburg–Landaupp. 117–125 |
9 | The leading order behavior for Ginzburg–Landaupp. 127–136 |
10 | The splitting and the next order behavior for Ginzburg–Landaupp. 137–146 |
Bibliographypp. 147–156 | |
Indexp. 157 |