Integer Points in Polyhedra
Alexander Barvinok
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA

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FrontmatterDownload pp. i–iv | |
PrefaceDownload p. v | |
ContentsDownload pp. vii–viii | |
1 | IntroductionDownload pp. 1–7 |
2 | The algebra of polyhedrapp. 9–17 |
3 | Linear transformations and polyhedrapp. 19–26 |
4 | The structure of polyhedrapp. 27–39 |
5 | Polaritypp. 41–47 |
6 | Tangent cones. Decompositions modulo polyhedra with linespp. 49–56 |
7 | Open polyhedrapp. 57–61 |
8 | The exponential valuationpp. 63–75 |
9 | Computing volumespp. 77–79 |
10 | Lattices, bases, and parallelepipedspp. 81–93 |
11 | The Minkowski Convex Body Theorempp. 95–98 |
12 | Reduced basispp. 99–106 |
13 | Exponential sums and generating functionspp. 107–120 |
14 | Totally unimodular polytopespp. 121–128 |
15 | Decomposing a 2-dimensional cone into unimodular cones via continued fractionspp. 129–135 |
16 | Decomposing a rational cone of an arbitrary dimension into unimodular conespp. 137–148 |
17 | Efficient counting of integer points in rational polytopespp. 149–153 |
18 | The polynomial behavior of the number of integer points in polytopespp. 155–165 |
19 | A valuation on rational conespp. 167–182 |
20 | A “local” formula for the number of integer points in a polytopepp. 183–185 |
Bibliographypp. 187–189 | |
Indexp. 191 |