Nonlinear Discrete Optimization
An Algorithmic Theory
Shmuel Onn
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel

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FrontmatterDownload pp. i–v | |
PrefaceDownload p. vii | |
ContentsDownload pp. ix–x | |
1 | IntroductionDownload pp. 1–13 |
2 | Convex Discrete Maximizationpp. 14–39 |
3 | Nonlinear Integer Programmingpp. 40–53 |
4 | -Fold Integer Programmingpp. 54–73 |
5 | Multiway Tables and Universalitypp. 74–96 |
6 | Nonlinear Combinatorial Optimizationpp. 97–128 |
Bibliographypp. 129–134 | |
Indexpp. 135–137 |