Random finite noncommutative geometries and topological recursion

  • Shahab Azarfar

    University of Western Ontario, London, Canada
  • Masoud Khalkhali

    University of Western Ontario, London, Canada
Random finite noncommutative geometries and topological recursion cover
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In this paper, we investigate a model for quantum gravity on finite noncommutative spaces using the theory of blobbed topological recursion. The model is based on a particular class of random finite real spectral triples , called random matrix geometries of type , with a fixed fermion space and a distribution of the form over the moduli space of Dirac operators. The action functional is considered to be a sum of terms of the form for arbitrary . The Schwinger–Dyson equations satisfied by the connected correlators of the corresponding multi-trace formal 1-Hermitian matrix model are derived by a differential geometric approach. It is shown that the coefficients of the large expansion of ’s enumerate discrete surfaces, called stuffed maps, whose building blocks are of particular topologies. The spectral curve of the model is investigated in detail. In particular, we derive an explicit expression for the fundamental symmetric bidifferential in terms of the formal parameters of the model.

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Shahab Azarfar, Masoud Khalkhali, Random finite noncommutative geometries and topological recursion. Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré Comb. Phys. Interact. 11 (2024), no. 3, pp. 409–451

DOI 10.4171/AIHPD/188