Discrete and continuous Muttalib–Borodin processes: The hard edge
Dan Betea
KU Leuven, Leuven, BelgiumAlessandra Occelli
University of Angers, Angers, France

In this note, we study a natural measure on plane partitions giving rise to a certain discrete-time Muttalib–Borodin process (MBP): each time slice is a discrete version of a Muttalib–Borodin ensemble (MBE). The process is determinantal with explicit-time-dependent correlation kernel. Moreover, in the limit, it converges to a continuous Jacobi-like MBP with Muttalib–Borodin marginals supported on the unit interval. This continuous process is also determinantal with explicit correlation kernel. We study its hard-edge scaling limit (around 0) to obtain a discrete-time-dependent generalization of the classical continuous Bessel kernel of random matrix theory (and, in fact, of the Meijer -kernel as well). We lastly discuss two related applications: random sampling from such processes and their interpretations as models of directed last passage percolation (LPP). In doing so, we introduce a corner growth model naturally associated to Jacobi processes, a version of which is the “usual” corner growth of Forrester–Rains in logarithmic coordinates.
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Dan Betea, Alessandra Occelli, Discrete and continuous Muttalib–Borodin processes: The hard edge. Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré Comb. Phys. Interact. (2024), published online first
DOI 10.4171/AIHPD/189