Quasi-isogeny groups of supersingular abelian surfaces via pro-étale fundamental groups
Thibaud van den Hove
TU Darmstadt, Germany

We consider a on the supersingular locus of the Siegel threefold constructed by Caraiani–Scholze, and show that it induces an isomorphism between a free group on a finite number of generators, and the group of self-quasi-isogenies of a supersingular abelian surface, respecting a principal polarization and a prime-to- level structure. Along the way, we classify certain pro-étale torsors in terms of the pro-étale fundamental group, describe the category of geometric covers of non-normal schemes, and use this to compute pro-étale fundamental groups of curves.
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Thibaud van den Hove, Quasi-isogeny groups of supersingular abelian surfaces via pro-étale fundamental groups. Doc. Math. 28 (2023), no. 5, pp. 1053–1078
DOI 10.4171/DM/930