On the rank of Leopoldt’s and Gross’s regulator maps

  • Alexandre Maksoud

    Universität Paderborn, Paderborn, Germany
On the rank of Leopoldt’s and Gross’s regulator maps cover
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We generalize Waldschmidt’s bound for Leopoldt’s defect and prove a similar bound for Gross’s defect for an arbitrary extension of number fields. As an application, we prove new cases of Gross’s finiteness conjecture (also known as the Gross–Kuz’min conjecture) beyond the classical abelian case, and we show that Gross’s -adic regulator has at least half of the conjectured rank. We also describe and compute non-cyclotomic analogues of Gross’s defect.

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Alexandre Maksoud, On the rank of Leopoldt’s and Gross’s regulator maps. Doc. Math. 28 (2023), no. 6, pp. 1441–1471

DOI 10.4171/DM/935