Motivic zeta functions of the Hilbert schemes of points on a surface

  • Luigi Pagano

    University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Motivic zeta functions of the Hilbert schemes of points on a surface cover
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Let be a discretely-valued field. Let be a surface with trivial canonical bundle. In this paper we construct a weak Néron model of the schemes over the ring of integers . We exploit this construction in order to compute the motivic zeta function of in terms of the motivic zeta functions of and of its base-changes with respect to the totally ramified extensions of . We determine the poles of and study its monodromy property, showing that if the monodromy conjecture holds for then it holds for too.

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Luigi Pagano, Motivic zeta functions of the Hilbert schemes of points on a surface. Doc. Math. 29 (2024), no. 4, pp. 763–804

DOI 10.4171/DM/948