The microstates free entropy dimension of any DT-operator is 2
Ken Dykema
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany; and Texas A&M University, College Station, GermanyKenley Jung
University of California, Los Angeles, USADimitri Shlyakhtenko
University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Suppose that is an arbitrary Borel measure on with compact support and . If is a DT-operator as defined by Dykema and Haagerup in [6], then the microstates free entropy dimension of is 2.
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Ken Dykema, Kenley Jung, Dimitri Shlyakhtenko, The microstates free entropy dimension of any DT-operator is 2. Doc. Math. 10 (2005), pp. 247–261
DOI 10.4171/DM/188