Dynamical symmetries in supersymmetric matrix models
V. Bach
Department of Mathematics Department of Mathematics Mainz University Royal Institute of Technology DE-55099 Mainz SE-10044 Stockholm Germany SwedenJ. Hoppe
Department of Mathematics Department of Mathematics Mainz University Royal Institute of Technology DE-55099 Mainz SE-10044 Stockholm Germany SwedenD. Lundholm
Department of Mathematics Royal Institute of Technology SE-10044 Stockholm Sweden

We reveal a dynamical symmetry in the asymptotic description of supersymmetric matrix models. We also consider a recursive approach for determining the ground state, and point out some additional properties of the model(s).
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V. Bach, J. Hoppe, D. Lundholm, Dynamical symmetries in supersymmetric matrix models. Doc. Math. 13 (2008), pp. 103–116
DOI 10.4171/DM/244