Motivic splitting lemma
A. Vishik
School of Mathematical Sciences Mathematisches Institut University of Nottingham der LMU München University Park, Theresienstr. 39 Nottingham, NG7 2RD 80333 München UK GermanyK. Zainoulline
School of Mathematical Sciences Mathematisches Institut University of Nottingham der LMU München University Park, Theresienstr. 39 Nottingham, NG7 2RD 80333 München UK Germany

Let be a Chow motive over a field . Let be a smooth projective variety over and be a direct summand of the motive of . Assume that over the generic point of the motives and become isomorphic to a direct sum of twisted Tate motives. The main result of the paper says that if a morphism splits over the generic point of then it splits over , i.e., is a direct summand of . We apply this result to various examples of motives of projective homogeneous varieties.
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A. Vishik, K. Zainoulline, Motivic splitting lemma. Doc. Math. 13 (2008), pp. 81–96
DOI 10.4171/DM/242