On higher order estimates in quantum electrodynamics
Oliver Matte
Institut für Mathematik TU Clausthal Erzstraße 1 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld Germany On leave from: Mathematisches Institut Ludwig-Maximilians- Universität Theresienatraße 39 80333 München Germany

We propose a new method to derive certain higher order estimates in quantum electrodynamics. Our method is particularly convenient in the application to the non-local semi-relativistic models of quantum electrodynamics as it avoids the use of iterated commutator expansions. We re-derive higher order estimates obtained earlier by Fröhlich, Griesemer, and Schlein and prove new estimates for a non-local molecular no-pair operator.
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Oliver Matte, On higher order estimates in quantum electrodynamics. Doc. Math. 15 (2010), pp. 207–234
DOI 10.4171/DM/295