On the solutions of quadratic Diophantine equations
Takashi Yoshinaga
Department of Mathematics Ritsumeikan University Kusatsu Shiga 525-8577 Japan

We determine a finite set of representatives of the set of local solutions in a maximal lattice modulo the stabilizer of the lattice in question for a quadratic Diophantine equation. Our study is based on the works of Shimura on quadratic forms, especially citeSh3 and citeSh4. Indeed, as an application of the result, we present a criterion (in both global and local cases) of the maximality of the lattice of in citeSh3. This gives an answer to the question . As one more global application, we investigate primitive solutions contained in a maximal lattice for the sums of squares on each vector space of dimension , or over the field of rational numbers.
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Takashi Yoshinaga, On the solutions of quadratic Diophantine equations. Doc. Math. 15 (2010), pp. 347–385
DOI 10.4171/DM/300