Cycle classes for -adic étale Tate twists and the image of -adic regulators
K. Sato
13-27 Kasuga, Bunkyo-ku 112-8552 Tokyo, Japan kanetomo

In this paper, we construct Chern class maps and cycle class maps with values in -adic étale Tate twists citeS2. We also relate the -adic étale Tate twists with the finite part of Bloch-Kato. As an application, we prove that the integral part of -adic regulator maps has values in the finite part of Galois cohomology under certain assumptions.
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K. Sato, Cycle classes for -adic étale Tate twists and the image of -adic regulators. Doc. Math. 18 (2013), pp. 177–247
DOI 10.4171/DM/395