Eisenstein series and the trace formula for over a function field
Yuval Z. Flicker
The Ohio State University Columbus Ohio 43210 USA and University of Ariel Ariel 40700 Israel
We write out and prove the trace formula for a convolution operator on the space of cusp forms on over the function field of a smooth projective absolutely irreducible curve over a finite field. The proof – which follows Drinfeld – is complete and all terms in the formula are explicitly computed. The structure of the homogeneous space is studied in section 2 by means of locally free sheaves of -modules. Section 3 deals with the regularization and computation of the geometric terms, over conjugacy classes. Section 4 develops the theory of intertwining operators and Eisenstein Series, and the trace formula is proven in section 5.
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Yuval Z. Flicker, Eisenstein series and the trace formula for over a function field. Doc. Math. 19 (2014), pp. 1–62
DOI 10.4171/DM/439