On -crystalline representations
Bryden Cais
Department of Mathematics Department of Mathematics University of Arizona Purdue University Tucson, Arizona 85721 West Lafayette IN 47907 USA USATong Liu
Department of Mathematics Department of Mathematics University of Arizona Purdue University Tucson, Arizona 85721 West Lafayette IN 47907 USA USA

We extend the theory of Kisin modules and crystalline representations to allow more general coefficient fields and lifts of Frobenius. In particular, for a finite and totally ramified extension , and an arbitrary finite extension , we construct a general class of infinite and totally wildly ramified extensions so that the functor is fully-faithfull on the category of -crystalline representations . We also establish a new classification of -Barsotti–Tate groups via Kisin modules of height 1 which allows more general lifts of Frobenius.
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Bryden Cais, Tong Liu, On -crystalline representations. Doc. Math. 21 (2016), pp. 223–270
DOI 10.4171/DM/532