Ramification Divisors of General Projections
Anand Deopurkar
Mathematical Sciences Institute, Australian National University, Acton, ACT, AustraliaEduard Duryev
Institute de Mathematiques de Jussieu, Paris, FranceAnand Patel
Department of Mathematics, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, USA

We study ramification divisors of projections of a smooth projective variety onto a linear space of the same dimension. We prove that for a large class of varieties, the ramification divisors of such projections vary in a maximal dimensional family. We study the map that associates to a linear projection its ramification divisor. By a degeneration argument involving (linked) limit linear series of higher rank, we show that this map is dominant for most (but not all!) varieties of minimal degree.
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Anand Deopurkar, Eduard Duryev, Anand Patel, Ramification Divisors of General Projections. Doc. Math. 25 (2020), pp. 1917–1952
DOI 10.4171/DM/789