Volume 29, No. 5 (2024)
Documenta Mathematica

pp. 1017–1058 Regular models of modular curves in prime level overBas EdixhovenPierre Parent
DOI 10.4171/DM/974pp. 1059–1084 On nonemptiness of Newton strata in the -Grassmannian forSerin Hong
DOI 10.4171/DM/970pp. 1085–1124 An elementary proof of the inequality for conditional free entropyDavid JekelJennifer Pi
DOI 10.4171/DM/969pp. 1125–1156 Local -conjecture and -adic differential equationsTetsuya IshidaKentaro Nakamura
DOI 10.4171/DM/973pp. 1157–1200 Boundary states of the Robin magnetic LaplacianRayan FahsLoïc Le TreustNicolas RaymondSan Vũ Ngọc
DOI 10.4171/DM/971pp. 1201–1218 Gluing complexes of sheavesMartin Olsson
DOI 10.4171/DM/961pp. 1219–1242 The non-degeneracy invariant of Brandhorst and Shimada’s families of Enriques surfacesRiccardo MoschettiFranco RotaLuca Schaffler
DOI 10.4171/DM/972pp. 1243–1268 Overgroups of exterior powers of an elementary group. NormalizersRoman LubkovIlia Nekrasov
DOI 10.4171/DM/956