Local -conjecture and -adic differential equations
Tetsuya Ishida
Saga University, Saga, JapanKentaro Nakamura
Saga University, Saga, Japan

Laurent Berger attached a -adic differential equation with a Frobenius structure to an arbitrary de Rham -module over a Robba ring. In this article, we compare the local epsilon conjecture for the cyclotomic deformation of with that of . We first define an isomorphism between the fundamental lines of their cyclotomic deformations using the second author’s results on the big exponential map. As a main result of the article, we show that this isomorphism enables us to reduce the local epsilon conjecture for the cyclotomic deformation of to that of . The result can be regarded as a refined interpolation formula of the big exponential map.
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Tetsuya Ishida, Kentaro Nakamura, Local -conjecture and -adic differential equations. Doc. Math. 29 (2024), no. 5, pp. 1125–1156
DOI 10.4171/DM/973