Large deviations of multichordal , real rational functions, and zeta-regularized determinants of Laplacians

  • Eveliina Peltola

    University of Bonn, Germany; Aalto University, Espoo, Finland
  • Yilin Wang

    Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques, Bures-sur-Yvette, France
Large deviations of multichordal $\operatorname{SLE}_{0+}$, real rational functions, and zeta-regularized determinants of Laplacians cover
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We prove a strong large deviation principle (LDP) for multiple chordal curves with respect to the Hausdorff metric. In the single-chord case, this result strengthens an earlier partial result by the second author. We also introduce a Loewner potential, which in the smooth case has a simple expression in terms of zeta-regularized determinants of Laplacians. This potential differs from the LDP rate function by an additive constant depending only on the boundary data, which satisfies PDEs arising as a semiclassical limit of the Belavin–Polyakov–Zamolodchikov equations of level 2 in conformal field theory with central charge .

Furthermore, we show that every multichord minimizing the potential in the upper half-plane for given boundary data is the real locus of a rational function and is unique, thus coinciding with the limit of the multiple . As a by-product, we provide an analytic proof of the Shapiro conjecture in real enumerative geometry, first proved by Eremenko and Gabrielov: if all critical points of a rational function are real, then the function is real up to post-composition with a Möbius transformation.

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Eveliina Peltola, Yilin Wang, Large deviations of multichordal , real rational functions, and zeta-regularized determinants of Laplacians. J. Eur. Math. Soc. 26 (2024), no. 2, pp. 469–535

DOI 10.4171/JEMS/1274