A note on pseudorandom Ramsey graphs

  • Dhruv Mubayi

    University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
  • Jacques Verstraëte

    University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, USA
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For fixed , we prove that if optimal -free pseudorandom graphs exist, then the Ramsey number is as . Our method also improves the best lower bounds for obtained by Bohman and Keevash from the random -free process by polylogarithmic factors for all odd and . For it matches their lower bound from the -free process.

We also prove, via a different approach, that and . These improve the exponent of in the previous best results and appear to be the first examples of graphs with cycles for which such an improvement of the exponent for is shown over the bounds given by the random -free process and random graphs.

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Dhruv Mubayi, Jacques Verstraëte, A note on pseudorandom Ramsey graphs. J. Eur. Math. Soc. 26 (2024), no. 1, pp. 153–161

DOI 10.4171/JEMS/1359