Twistor transforms of quaternionic functions and orthogonal complex structures
Graziano Gentili
Università degli Studi di Firenze, ItalySimon Salamon
King's College London, UKCaterina Stoppato
Università di Firenze, Italy

The theory of slice-regular functions of a quaternion variable is applied to the study of orthogonal complex structures on domains of . When is a symmetric slice domain, the twistor transform of such a function is a holomorphic curve in the Klein quadric. The case in which is the complement of a parabola is studied in detail and described by a rational quartic surface in the twistor space .
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Graziano Gentili, Simon Salamon, Caterina Stoppato, Twistor transforms of quaternionic functions and orthogonal complex structures. J. Eur. Math. Soc. 16 (2014), no. 11, pp. 2323–2353
DOI 10.4171/JEMS/488