A Tits alternative for endomorphisms of the projective line

  • Jason P. Bell

    University of Waterloo, Canada
  • Keping Huang

    Harbin Institute of Technology, China
  • Wayne Peng

    National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
  • Thomas J. Tucker

    University of Rochester, USA
A Tits alternative for endomorphisms of the projective line cover
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We prove an analog of the Tits alternative for endomorphisms of . In particular, we show that if is a finitely generated semigroup of endomorphisms of over , then either has polynomially bounded growth or contains a nonabelian free semigroup. We also show that if and are polarizable maps over any field of any characteristic and , then for all sufficiently large , the semigroup is a free semigroup on two generators.

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Jason P. Bell, Keping Huang, Wayne Peng, Thomas J. Tucker, A Tits alternative for endomorphisms of the projective line. J. Eur. Math. Soc. (2023), published online first

DOI 10.4171/JEMS/1376