Overconvergent subanalytic subsets in the framework of Berkovich spaces
Florent Martin
Universität Regensburg, Germany

We study the class of overconvergent subanalytic subsets of a -affinoid space when is a non-archimedean field. These are the images along the projection of subsets defined with inequalities between functions of which are overconvergent in the variables of . In particular, we study the local nature, with respect to , of overconvergent subanalytic subsets. We show that they behave well with respect to the Berkovich topology, but not to the -topology. This gives counter-examples to previous results on the subject, and a way to correct them. Moreover, we study the case dim, for which a simpler characterisation of overconvergent subanalytic subsets is proven.
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Florent Martin, Overconvergent subanalytic subsets in the framework of Berkovich spaces. J. Eur. Math. Soc. 18 (2016), no. 10, pp. 2405–2457
DOI 10.4171/JEMS/643