The quantum Frobenius for character varieties and multiplicative quiver varieties
Iordan Ganev
Radboud University, EC Nijmegen, The NetherlandsDavid Jordan
University of Edinburgh, UKPavel Safronov
University of Edinburgh, UK

We prove that quantized multiplicative quiver varieties, quantum character varieties, and Kauffman bracket skein algebras each define sheaves of Azumaya algebras over the smooth loci of their corresponding classical moduli spaces. In the case of skein algebras this establishes a strong form of the Unicity Conjecture of Bonahon and Wong. Our proofs exploit a strong compatibility between quantum Hamiltonian reduction and the quantum Frobenius homomorphism as well as a natural nondegeneracy condition satisfied by each of the classical Hamiltonian spaces. We therefore introduce the concepts of Frobenius quantum moment maps, Frobenius Poisson orders and their Hamiltonian reductions, and apply them to the study of Azumaya loci.
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Iordan Ganev, David Jordan, Pavel Safronov, The quantum Frobenius for character varieties and multiplicative quiver varieties. J. Eur. Math. Soc. (2024), published online first
DOI 10.4171/JEMS/1427