On concavity of solutions of the Dirichlet problem for the equation in convex planar regions
Tadeusz Kulczycki
Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland

For a sufficiently regular open bounded set let us consider the equation for with the Dirichlet exterior condition for . Its solution is the expected value of the first exit time from of the Cauchy process in . We prove that if is a convex bounded domain then is concave on . To do so we study the Hessian matrix of the harmonic extension of . The key idea of the proof is based on a deep result of Hans Lewy concerning the determinants of Hessian matrices of harmonic functions.
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Tadeusz Kulczycki, On concavity of solutions of the Dirichlet problem for the equation in convex planar regions. J. Eur. Math. Soc. 19 (2017), no. 5, pp. 1361–1420
DOI 10.4171/JEMS/695