Anomalous large-time behaviour of the -Laplacian flow in an exterior domain in low dimension
Razvan Gabriel Iagar
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, SpainJuan Luis Vázquez
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain

We study the large time behaviour of weak nonnegative solutions of the -Laplace equation posed in an exterior domain in space dimension with boundary conditions . The description is done in terms of matched asymptotics: the outer asymptotic profile is a dipole-like self-similar solution with a singularity at and anomalous similarity exponents. The inner asymptotic behaviour is given by a separate-variable profile. We gather both estimates in a global approximant and we also study the behaviour of the free boundary for compactly supported solutions. We complete in this way the analysis made in a previous work for high space dimensions , a range in which the large-time influence of the holes is less dramatic.
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Razvan Gabriel Iagar, Juan Luis Vázquez, Anomalous large-time behaviour of the -Laplacian flow in an exterior domain in low dimension. J. Eur. Math. Soc. 12 (2010), no. 1, pp. 249–277
DOI 10.4171/JEMS/197