Unitary conjugacy for type III subfactors and W-superrigidity

  • Yusuke Isono

    Kyoto University, Japan
Unitary conjugacy for type III subfactors and W$^*$-superrigidity cover
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Let be inclusions of -finite von Neumann algebras such that and are images of faithful normal conditional expectations. In this article, we investigate Popa's intertwining condition using modular actions on , , and . In the main theorem, we prove that if , then an intertwining element for also intertwines some modular flows of and . As a result, we deduce a new characterization of in terms of the continuous cores of , , and . Using this new characterization, we prove the first W-superrigidity type result for group actions on amenable factors. As another application, we characterize stable strong solidity for free product factors in terms of their free product components.

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Yusuke Isono, Unitary conjugacy for type III subfactors and W-superrigidity. J. Eur. Math. Soc. 24 (2022), no. 5, pp. 1679–1721

DOI 10.4171/JEMS/1135