-adic -functions of Hilbert cusp forms and the trivial zero conjecture
Daniel Barrera
Universidad de Santiago de Chile, ChileMladen Dimitrov
Université de Lille, FranceAndrei Jorza
University of Notre Dame, USA

We prove a strong form of the trivial zero conjecture at the central point for the -adic -function of a non-critically refined self-dual cohomological cuspidal automorphic representation of over a totally real field, which is Iwahori spherical at places above .
In the case of a simple zero we adapt the approach of Greenberg and Stevens, based on the functional equation for the -adic -function of a nearly finite slope family and on improved -adic -functions that we construct using automorphic symbols and overconvergent cohomology.
For higher order zeros we develop a conceptually new approach studying the variation of the root number in partial families and establishing the vanishing of many Taylor coefficients of the -adic -function of the family.
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Daniel Barrera, Mladen Dimitrov, Andrei Jorza, -adic -functions of Hilbert cusp forms and the trivial zero conjecture. J. Eur. Math. Soc. 24 (2022), no. 10, pp. 3439–3503
DOI 10.4171/JEMS/1165