On sets of vectors of a finite vector space in which every subset of basis size is a basis
Simeon Ball
Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain

It is shown that the maximum size of a set of vectors of a -dimensional vector space over , with the property that every subset of size is a basis, is at most , if , and at most , if , where and is prime. Moreover, for , the sets of maximum size are classified, generalising Beniamino Segre's “arc is a conic'' theorem.
These results have various implications. One such implication is that a matrix, with and entries from , has columns which are linearly dependent. Another is that the uniform matroid of rank that has a base set of size is representable over if and only if . It also implies that the main conjecture for maximum distance separable codes is true for prime fields; that there are no maximum distance separable linear codes over , of dimension at most , longer than the longest Reed-Solomon codes. The classification implies that the longest maximum distance separable linear codes, whose dimension is bounded above by the characteristic of the field, are Reed–Solomon codes.
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Simeon Ball, On sets of vectors of a finite vector space in which every subset of basis size is a basis. J. Eur. Math. Soc. 14 (2012), no. 3, pp. 733–748
DOI 10.4171/JEMS/316