Adjoint Selmer groups of automorphic Galois representations of unitary type

  • James Newton

    King’s College London; University of Oxford, UK
  • Jack A. Thorne

    University of Cambridge, UK
Adjoint Selmer groups of automorphic Galois representations of unitary type cover
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Let be the -adic Galois representation attached to a cuspidal, regular algebraic automorphic representation of of unitary type. Under very mild hypotheses on , we prove the vanishing of the (Bloch–Kato) adjoint Selmer group of . We obtain definitive results for the adjoint Selmer groups associated to non-CM Hilbert modular forms and elliptic curves over totally real fields.

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James Newton, Jack A. Thorne, Adjoint Selmer groups of automorphic Galois representations of unitary type. J. Eur. Math. Soc. 25 (2023), no. 5, pp. 1919–1967

DOI 10.4171/JEMS/1228