Fargues–Rapoport conjecture for -adic period domains in the non-basic case
Miaofen Chen
East China Normal University, Shanghai, China

We prove the Fargues–Rapoport conjecture for -adic period domains in the non-basic case with minuscule cocharacter. More precisely, we give a group-theoretical criterion for the cases when the admissible locus and weakly admissible locus coincide. This generalizes the result of Hartl (2013) for the group . In the last section, we also give a conjecture about the intersection of weakly admissible locus and the Newton strata in the flag variety.
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Miaofen Chen, Fargues–Rapoport conjecture for -adic period domains in the non-basic case. J. Eur. Math. Soc. 25 (2023), no. 7, pp. 2879–2918
DOI 10.4171/JEMS/1253