Tightness of supercritical Liouville first passage percolation

  • Jian Ding

    University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
  • Ewain Gwynne

    University of Chicago, USA
Tightness of supercritical Liouville first passage percolation cover
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Liouville first passage percolation (LFPP) with parameter is the family of random distance functions on the plane obtained by integrating along paths, where for is a smooth mollification of the planar Gaussian free field. Previous work by Ding–Dubédat–Dunlap–Falconet and Gwynne–Miller has shown that there is a critical value such that for , LFPP converges under appropriate re-scaling to a random metric on the plane which induces the same topology as the Euclidean metric (the so-called -Liouville quantum gravity metric for ).

We show that for all , the LFPP metrics are tight with respect to the topology on lower semicontinuous functions. For , every possible subsequential limit is a metric on the plane which does not induce the Euclidean topology: rather, there is an uncountable, dense, Lebesgue measure-zero set of points such that for every . We expect that these subsequential limiting metrics are related to Liouville quantum gravity with matter central charge in .

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Jian Ding, Ewain Gwynne, Tightness of supercritical Liouville first passage percolation. J. Eur. Math. Soc. 25 (2023), no. 10, pp. 3833–3911

DOI 10.4171/JEMS/1273