On automorphic descent from to

  • Joseph Hundley

    University of Buffalo, USA
  • Baiying Liu

    Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA
On automorphic descent from $GL_7$ to $G_2$ cover
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In this paper, we study the functorial descent from self-contragredient cuspidal automorphic representations of with having a pole at to the split exceptional group , using Fourier coefficients associated to two nilpotent orbits of . We show that one descent module is generic, and under suitable local conditions, it is cuspidal and is a weak functorial lift of each of its irreducible summands. This establishes the first functorial descent involving the exotic exterior cube -function. However, we show that the other descent module supports not only the nondegenerate Whittaker–Fourier integral on but also every degenerate Whittaker–Fourier integral. Thus it is generic, but not cuspidal.

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Joseph Hundley, Baiying Liu, On automorphic descent from to . J. Eur. Math. Soc. 25 (2023), no. 11, pp. 4395–4458

DOI 10.4171/JEMS/1282