Framed mapping class groups and the monodromy of strata of abelian differentials

  • Aaron Calderon

    University of Chicago, USA
  • Nick Salter

    University of Notre Dame, USA
Framed mapping class groups and the monodromy of strata of abelian differentials cover
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This paper investigates the relationship between strata of abelian differentials and various mapping class groups afforded by means of the topological monodromy representation. Building off of prior work of the authors, we show that the fundamental group of a stratum surjects onto the subgroup of the mapping class group which preserves a fixed framing of the underlying Riemann surface, thereby giving a complete characterization of the monodromy group. In the course of our proof we also show that these “framed mapping class groups” are finitely generated (even though they are of infinite index) and give explicit generating sets.

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Aaron Calderon, Nick Salter, Framed mapping class groups and the monodromy of strata of abelian differentials. J. Eur. Math. Soc. 25 (2023), no. 12, pp. 4719–4790

DOI 10.4171/JEMS/1290