No exceptional words for Bernoulli percolation

  • Pierre Nolin

    City University of Hong Kong, China
  • Vincent Tassion

    ETH Zürich, Switzerland
  • Augusto Teixeira

    IMPA - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
No exceptional words for Bernoulli percolation cover
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Benjamini and Kesten introduced in 1995 the problem of embedding infinite binary sequences into a Bernoulli percolation configuration, known as percolation of words. We give a positive answer to their Open Problem 2: almost surely, all words are seen for site percolation on with parameter . We also extend this result in various directions, proving the same result on , , for any value , and for restrictions to slabs. Finally, we provide an explicit estimate on the probability to find all words starting from a finite box.

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Pierre Nolin, Vincent Tassion, Augusto Teixeira, No exceptional words for Bernoulli percolation. J. Eur. Math. Soc. 25 (2023), no. 12, pp. 4841–4868

DOI 10.4171/JEMS/1293