Global Schrödinger map flows to Kähler manifolds with small data in critical Sobolev spaces: Energy critical case

  • Ze Li

    Ningbo University, China
Global Schrödinger map flows to Kähler manifolds with small data in critical Sobolev spaces: Energy critical case cover
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In this paper and the companion work [J. Funct. Anal. 281 (2021)], we prove that the Schrödinger map flows from with to compact Kähler manifolds with small initial data in critical Sobolev spaces are global. The main difficulty compared with the constant sectional curvature case is that the gauged equation now is not self-contained due to the curvature part. Our main idea is to use a novel bootstrap-iteration scheme to reduce the gauged equation to an approximate constant curvature system in finite times of iteration. This paper together with the companion work solves the open problem raised by Tataru.

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Ze Li, Global Schrödinger map flows to Kähler manifolds with small data in critical Sobolev spaces: Energy critical case. J. Eur. Math. Soc. 25 (2023), no. 12, pp. 4879–4969

DOI 10.4171/JEMS/1301