Remarks on discrete Dirac operators and their continuum limits

  • Shu Nakamura

    Gakushuin University, Toshima, Tokyo, Japan
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We discuss possible definitions of discrete Dirac operators, and discuss their continuum limits. It is well known in the lattice field theory that the straightforward discretization of the Dirac operator introduces unwanted spectral subspaces, and it is known as the fermion doubling. In oder to overcome this difficulty, two methods were proposed. The first one is to introduce a new term, called the Wilson term, and the second one is the KS-fermion model or the staggered fermion model. We discuss mathematical formulations of these, and study their continuum limits.

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Shu Nakamura, Remarks on discrete Dirac operators and their continuum limits. J. Spectr. Theory 14 (2024), no. 1, pp. 255–269

DOI 10.4171/JST/478