Counterexamples and weak (1,1) estimates of wave operators for fourth-order Schrödinger operators in dimension three
Haruya Mizutani
Osaka University, Toyonaka-shi, JapanZijun Wan
Central China Normal University, Wuhan, P. R. ChinaXiaohua Yao
Central China Normal University, Wuhan, P. R. China

This paper is dedicated to investigating the -bounds of wave operators associated with fourth-order Schrödinger operators on with real potentials satisfying for some . A recent work by Goldberg and Green (2021) has demonstrated that wave operators are bounded on for all under the condition that and zero is a regular point of . In the paper, we aim to further establish endpoint estimates for in two significant ways. First, we provide counterexamples to illustrate the unboundedness of on the endpoint spaces and for non-zero compactly supported potentials . Second, we establish weak estimates for the wave operators and their dual operators in the case where zero is a regular point and . These estimates depend critically on the singular integral theory of Calderón–Zygmund on a homogeneous space with a doubling measure .
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Haruya Mizutani, Zijun Wan, Xiaohua Yao, Counterexamples and weak (1,1) estimates of wave operators for fourth-order Schrödinger operators in dimension three. J. Spectr. Theory 14 (2024), no. 4, pp. 1409–1450
DOI 10.4171/JST/522