The trimmed Anderson model at strong disorder: localisation and its breakup
Alexander Elgart
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, USASasha Sodin
Princeton University, USA

We explore the properties of discrete random Schrödinger operators in which the random part of the potential is supported on a sub-lattice (the trimmed Anderson model). In this setting, Anderson localisation at strong disorder does not always occur; alternatives include anomalous localisation and, possibly, delocalisation. We establish two new sucient conditions for localisation at strong disorder as well as a sucient condition for its absence, and provide examples for both situations. The main technical ingredient is a pair ofWegner-type estimates which are applicable when the covering condition does not hold. Finally, we discuss a coupling between randomoperators at weak and strong disorder. This coupling is used in an heuristic discussion of the properties of the trimmed Anderson model for sparse sub-lattices, and also in a new rigorous proof of a result of Aizenman pertaining to weak disorder localisation for the usual Anderson model.
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Alexander Elgart, Sasha Sodin, The trimmed Anderson model at strong disorder: localisation and its breakup. J. Spectr. Theory 7 (2017), no. 1, pp. 87–110
DOI 10.4171/JST/156