On operator error estimates for homogenization of hyperbolic systems with periodic coefficients
Yulia M. Meshkova
St. Petersburg State University, Russia

In , we consider a selfadjoint matrix strongly elliptic second order differential operator , . The coefficients of the operator are periodic and depend on . We study the asymptotic behavior of the operator , , in the small period limit. The principal term of approximation in the -norm for this operator is found. Approximation in the -operator norm with the correction term taken into account is also established. The error estimates are of the sharp order . The results are applied to homogenization for the solutions of the hyperbolic equation . As examples, we consider the acoustics equation, the system of elasticity, and the model equation of electrodynamics.
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Yulia M. Meshkova, On operator error estimates for homogenization of hyperbolic systems with periodic coefficients. J. Spectr. Theory 11 (2021), no. 2, pp. 587–660
DOI 10.4171/JST/350