The Cartan–Hadamard Theorem for metric spaces with local geodesic bicombings

  • Benjamin Miesch

    ETH Zürich, Switzerland


We prove the Cartan–Hadamard Theorem for spaces which are not necessarily uniquely geodesic but locally possess a suitable selection of geodesics, a so-called convex geodesic bicombing.

Furthermore, we deduce a local-to-global theorem for injective (or hyperconvex) metric spaces, saying that under certain conditions a complete, simply-connected, locally injective metric space is injective. A related result for absolute 1-Lipschitz retracts follows.

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Benjamin Miesch, The Cartan–Hadamard Theorem for metric spaces with local geodesic bicombings. Enseign. Math. 63 (2017), no. 1/2, pp. 233–247

DOI 10.4171/LEM/63-1/2-8