Learning large-scale industrial physics simulations

  • Fabien Casenave

    Safran (France), Paris, France
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In an industrial group like Safran, numerical simulations of physical phenomena are integral to most design processes. At Safran’s corporate research center, we enhance these processes by developing fast and reliable surrogate models for various physics. We focus here on two technologies developed in recent years. The first is a physical reduced-order modeling method for non-linear structural mechanics and thermal analysis, used for calculating the lifespan of high-pressure turbine blades and performing heat analysis of high-pressure compressors. The second technology involves learning physics simulations with non-parameterized geometrical variability using classical machine learning tools, such as Gaussian process regression. Finally, we present our contributions to the open-source and open-data community.

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Fabien Casenave, Learning large-scale industrial physics simulations. Eur. Math. Soc. Mag. 134 (2024), pp. 5–13

DOI 10.4171/MAG/233