Thematic Working Group on Theoretical Perspectives and Approaches in Mathematics Education, TWG17
ERME column regularly presented by Frode Rønning and Andreas Stylianides
Heather Lynn Johnson
University of Colorado DenverFelix Lensing
Freie Universität BerlinPedro Nicolás Zaragoza
Universidad de MurciaAmalie Sødal
University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway
In this issue presented by the group leaders Heather Lynn Johnson, Felix Lensing, Pedro Nicolás Zaragoza and Amalie Sødal
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Heather Lynn Johnson, Felix Lensing, Pedro Nicolás Zaragoza, Amalie Sødal, Thematic Working Group on Theoretical Perspectives and Approaches in Mathematics Education, TWG17. Eur. Math. Soc. Mag. 134 (2024), pp. 53–55
DOI 10.4171/MAG/221