No. 120 (2021)
European Mathematical Society Magazine

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p. 3 A message from the president / Brief words from the editor-in-chiefVolker MehrmannFernando Pestana da Costa
DOI 10.4171/MAG/16pp. 4–7 Categorical smooth compactifications and neighborhoods of infinityAlexander I. Efimov
DOI 10.4171/MAG/34pp. 8–15 The geometric structure of interfaces and free boundariesJoaquim Serra
DOI 10.4171/MAG/17pp. 16–28 Mirrors, lenses and Monge–Ampère equationsQuentin MérigotBoris Thibert
DOI 10.4171/MAG/21pp. 29–39 The edition of Bernhard Riemann’s collected works: Then and nowEmmylou Haffner
DOI 10.4171/MAG/18pp. 40–42 Impact factor, an inadequate yardstickMohammad Sal Moslehian
DOI 10.4171/MAG/19pp. 43–44 Mathematical (online) meetings reimagined?Ross J. Kang
DOI 10.4171/MAG/23pp. 45–47 The Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS) in BerlinMichael Hintermüller
DOI 10.4171/MAG/24pp. 48–49 Slovak Mathematical Society – a short overview of history and presentMartin Kalina
DOI 10.4171/MAG/30pp. 50–54 MathsWorldUK: Creating the UK’s first National Mathematics Discovery CentreKatie Chicot
DOI 10.4171/MAG/31pp. 55–58 Romania helps Uganda on its way to the International Mathematical OlympiadSergiu Moroianu
DOI 10.4171/MAG/25pp. 59–61 Survey on Early Childhood Mathematics Education at ICME-14Iliada EliaAnna Baccaglini-FrankEsther LevensonNanae MatsuoNosisi Feza
DOI 10.4171/MAG/32pp. 62–63 ICMI columnFrederick LeungSusanne Prediger
DOI 10.4171/MAG/26pp. 64–65 ERME columnViviane Durand-GuerrierReinhard HochmuthElena NardiCarl Winsløw
DOI 10.4171/MAG/27pp. 66–67 Connecting Islands: Bridging zbMATH and DLMF with Scholix, a blueprint for connecting expert knowledge systemsHoward S. CohlOlaf TeschkeMoritz Schubotz
DOI 10.4171/MAG/35pp. 68–69 Book reviewDonatella Donatelli
DOI 10.4171/MAG/33p. 69 DOI 10.4171/MAG/28New editor appointedp. 70 Victims of positive discriminationValentin Ovsienko
DOI 10.4171/MAG/29